Himalayan Pink Salt Vs Sea Salt


Salt, an essential mineral made up of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl), is important for many bodily functions, including maintenance of fluid balance and support of muscle and nerve function. Although salt has been a common dietary element for a long time, the quality and purity of the salt you ingest are crucial. Nowadays, the argument over whether sea salt or Himalayan pink salt is better rages on, however, increasing evidence indicates that Himalayan pink salt could be the better option, particularly when it comes to purity.

The difference between Himalayan pink salt and sea salt is not only in their flavor or consistency, but also in their source and quality. Let’s examine the differences between these salts and understand why Himalayan pink salt is being more widely acknowledged as the superior choice.

Origin of Salt


The Himalayan pink salt is extracted from the historic mines of Khewra in Pakistan. These ancient mines, untouched by contemporary pollutants, have kept the salt pure for millions of years. This manually extracted salt is known for its unique pink color due to the presence of 84 natural trace minerals and is uncontaminated by industrial processes.

On the other hand, sea salt is obtained by drying up seawater. Despite containing trace minerals, concerns about the purity of this substance are heightened due to its exposure to modern environmental factors, specifically ocean pollution. The increasing worry over pollutants in our oceans has a direct effect on the quality of sea salt.

Mineral Content and Purity

Himalayan pink salt contains important minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium that are good for one’s health. It has lower sodium levels compared to regular table salt and is recognized as one of the most natural salts on the market.

Sea salt, in addition to trace minerals, has been discovered to have microplastics, causing significant health worries. A study conducted by Professor Sherri Mason and reported by The Guardian found that microplastic pollution is commonly found in sea salt all over the world. Sea salts from various places like the UK, Europe, China, and the US were discovered to have plastic particles, and Americans intake around 660 particles of plastic annually through sea salt consumption.


Two fragments of blue microplastic surrounded by diatom phytoplankton (seen under a microscope) after being collected from the sea in a fine mesh trawl net. Photograph: Alex Hofford/EPA

This pollution happens because of the high volume of plastic waste entering the oceans every year, around 12.7 million tonnes, which ends up in sea salt as it evaporates. Research on the potential long-term health effects of consuming microplastics is ongoing, but the discovery of plastic in sea salt is another addition to the increasing worries regarding the environment and health.

Color and Taste

Himalayan pink salt gets its vibrant pink color from the minerals and trace elements it contains, particularly iron oxide. Its unique flavor is subtle yet distinctive, making it a great addition to various culinary creations.

Sea salt, by contrast, can range in color from white to light gray depending on its origin. However, its flavor may be compromised due to the impurities it can contain, including microplastics.

Is Himalayan Pink Salt the Better Choice?

Based on purity alone, Himalayan pink salt far surpasses sea salt. Its ancient origins and natural mining methods ensure it remains untouched by the modern-day pollutants that now plague sea salt. As The Guardian reports, microplastics are ubiquitous in the environment and, unfortunately, in sea salt as well. Even well-known sea salt brands are not immune to this contamination.

By choosing Himalayan pink salt, you are not only opting for a more flavorful and mineral-rich option but also avoiding the potential health risks associated with microplastics found in sea salt. Whether you’re using it for cooking, seasoning, or finishing your dishes, Himalayan pink salt offers a cleaner, more wholesome choice.


In conclusion, when it comes to your health and well-being, Himalayan pink salt is the obvious choice. Its unparalleled purity and rich mineral content make it a superior alternative to sea salt, which, as studies have shown, is increasingly tainted by microplastics. Make the switch today to Himalayan pink salt and enjoy both its natural benefits and peace of mind.

Applications of Natural Rock Salt


Unique Minerals offers a diverse selection of rock salt products for both residential and commercial kitchens. These premium items are sourced from the Himalayan mountain range. Himalayan rock salt is the purest rock salt in the world and is organic, having created 250 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. Tectonic plate movements that made the Himalayan mountain range and surrounded a body of saltwater resulted in the formation of pure salt deposits that were uncontaminated by human activities. These salt deposits were formed under extreme pressure in the earth’s mantle and contain up to 84 minerals. This is why organic Himalayan rock salt has a distinct flavor and a pink color.

The key to unparalleled quality

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Our rock salt product line includes various subcategories. The initial product is organic Himalayan rock salt, which comes in both pink and white. The second product is black rock salt, which is derived from organic white rock salt. All organic rock salt is extracted and processed to preserve the purity and quality with which it was generated 250 million years ago. In addition, no iodine is added, as is often the case with table or sea salt. We do not add any anti-caking agents or other additives. This makes Rock Salt the purest salt available on the market. Organic pink rock salt contains 98.4% sodium chloride and 1.6% trace minerals. The organic white rock salt contains 97.86% sodium chloride and 2.14% trace minerals.

The formation of Rock Salt deposits dates back a very long time, therefore human pollution or the industrial era have never touched it. Microplastics, smoke, and chemical contaminants can be found in both sea salt and normal table salt. A rich and savory salt taste that complements every meal.

Healthier living with Rock Salt

The Unique Minerals Rock Salt product range contains 84 of the 92 trace minerals required by the human body, making it a perfect addition to a balanced diet. It can supplement any meal with trace nutrients that are free of contaminants. Minerals include calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. The body need all 84 minerals found in rock salt, and they can help treat a variety of illnesses caused by shortages.

Sodium promotes mineral uptake in cells and maintains electrolyte equilibrium. In turn, sodium aids the body’s absorption of the beneficial trace minerals found in rock salt. And minerals are integrated into the remainder of the daily nutrition via its cells. It also improves the digestive tract by regulating pH levels and minimizing acid reflex. So, replacing table salt with rock salt in your regular diet will significantly improve your health with little effort.

Furthermore, if you have high blood pressure, the White Rock Salt is recommended. This includes less chloride, which has been linked to blood pressure concerns, and it also has the extra benefit of being 100% organic. Excellent for use in a variety of recipes or to replace ordinary salt in baked goods such as bread and pastries.

Rock Salt outside the kitchen

Even beyond the kitchen, rock salt can be used to relieve muscular cramps and skin disorders such as acne or skin rash by simply applying it to the skin or sore muscle area. It can also be added to bath water to provide the human body with essential minerals. In addition, it provides treatment for skin and musculoskeletal difficulties.

All in all, there are many benefits in replacing other salts with organic Rock Salt. Healthier living, less risk of various ailments, and better-tasting food with this organic rock salt. For those wondering where to find Rock Salt, visit the Unique Minerals Rock Salt page to discover how you can obtain this high-quality rock salt for your needs. Unique Minerals offers premium rock salt, ensuring you receive the purest product directly from the Himalayan Mountains.


Organic Pink Rock Salt

Our organic pink rock salt product line, known as Himalayan salt, gets its characteristic pink color from the principal trace component iron. However, it also contains magnesium, sulphates, potassium, calcium, and 79 other trace minerals, for a total of 84. This high-quality product is in high demand due to its health advantages and delicious taste, both of which are derived from trace minerals. A terrific addition to any meal, giving it the savoury kick that organic pink rock salt is known for.

pink salt

Organic White Rock Salt

Our most-priced organic white rock salt product line is the rarest Himalayan rock salt variant. Although it contains far less mineral iron, organic white rock salt nevertheless contains all 84 trace minerals. As a result, sodium chloride (rock salt) has a significantly higher purity, which results in the purest salt flavor in the entire world. For those who simply want organic salt free of contaminants, this product is fantastic.

white salt

Himalayan Black Rock Salt

Unique Minerals offers black rock salt, which is created from our organic white rock salt, for that true Asian cuisine kitchen taste. This is made utilizing the traditional technique of blending organic white rock salt with black rock salt. The organic white salt obtains an improved chemical structure through the infusion process, which has numerous health advantages. These advantages include promoting a healthy circulatory system, regulating the digestive system, reducing stomach acidity (acid reflux), and much more.

Khewra Rock Salt Mine

The Khewra rock salt mine, which is situated in Punjab, Pakistan, is the source of rock salt used by Unique Minerals. The Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation runs this ancient mine, and Unique Minerals guarantees that the best salt comes directly from the source. The salt deposit was found in 320 BC during Alexander the Great’s Asian conquests, when his horses were seen licking the stones.


In addition to adding flavor to food, salt has been utilized for centuries because of the minerals found in organic rock salt. However, it was also used in a variety of accessories, including statues and lamps. In addition, a lot of industrial activities that need salt use rock salt. Because of its well-known purity, this white rock salt requires little to no processing.


Industrial Organic Rock Salts

This section on rock salt is intended for businesses that use salt on a large scale. Organic white rock salt is our standard product, however we can also provide organic pink rock salt upon request. A coarse or fine grind can be supplied by Unique Minerals to best fit the industrial application of the client.

The superior quality and health advantages that our consumer and commercial divisions provide are also provided by our industrial segment. For a variety of sectors that require premium salt for manufacturing, rock salt is a great option that guarantees them all the advantages of this high-quality commodity.

for industry

Animal Lick Salts

Unique Minerals provides a unique Rock Salt product that is suitable for both large and small animals. There are several advantages for both pet owners and cattle ranchers using our animal lick rock salt solutions. Animal lick salt has several health benefits and can help with a variety of health-related concerns, just like it can for humans.

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You can directly get animal lick salts from Unique Minerals in both its natural and AFA compressed forms. As an alternative, we may work with feed and supplement providers to make this wonderful product accessible to anybody wishing to improve the health of their animals.

Lick salt

Delivery and Shipping

Every product in our Rock Salt line can be customized down to the smallest detail. Flexible shipping options are available from Unique Minerals, including bulk shipments in different 20-foot container designs. We can send large quantities of our rock salt in Flexi-bags within 20-foot containers or in other palletized configurations, enabling customers to use it whichever best meets their needs into their production process.

Furthermore, we provide fully customizable labelling and packaging alternatives for custom packaging solutions. Customers have the ability to choose the style, substance, and even the carton boxes that are used to hold product batches in storage facilities. These customized orders can be dispatched to any location in the world in the necessary amounts after they are finalized.

With the help of our shipping specialists, Unique Minerals can handle every step of the shipping procedure, from loading the container to delivering it to your front door or warehouse. We handle all the paperwork and handle the complete route, from container to ship to port, then by freight train and transport truck. This guarantees our clients a flawless and stress-free experience.

At Unique Minerals, we work hard to provide the greatest deals and options for our customers. If you have any queries about our Khewra Rock Salt product, shipping, or packing solutions, please email us at info@uniquemineral.com

Geological and Chemical Story Behind Himalayan Salt’s Origin and Composition

Himalayan salt, often marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional table salt, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Its distinctive pink hue and purported health benefits have piqued the interest of consumers and health enthusiasts alike.

In this article, we will delve into the geological and geographical origins of Himalayan salt, its mineral composition, and how it differs from other types of salt.

Geological and Geographical Origins

The Salt Range Mountains in District Khushab, Punjab

Salt Range Mountains in District Khushab, Punjab

The main source of Himalayan salt is the Khewra Salt Mine, which is roughly 300 kilometres from the Himalayas in Pakistan on the foothills of the Salt Range mountains. A geological structure known as the Salt Range originated more than 600 million years ago, during the Precambrian period. The salt deposits in this area are thought to have originated from the evaporation of ancient seas, which left behind enormous salt beds that were subsequently covered in silt and rock layers.

These salt deposits were raised to the surface over time by tectonic movements and geological processes, where they were exposed to the environment and crystallized.

The distinct rose hue of Himalayan salt is ascribed to the existence of elements, such as iron oxide, within the salt deposits.

Mineral Composition

Himalayan salt is well known for having a high mineral content, with traces of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and other elements. Supporters of Himalayan salt assert that, in comparison to other types of salt, the body can more readily absorb and use these minerals.

Although these minerals are present in Himalayan salt, the levels are negligible and might not have a big effect on a person’s total mineral intake, especially when compared to other food sources. For instance, a serving of almonds or spinach has more calcium and magnesium content than Himalayan salt.

Comparison with Other Types of Salt

Himalayan salt often gets compared with other varieties of salt, including sea salt and table salt. Usually harvested from seawater or mined from subterranean salt mines, table salt undergoes extensive processing to get rid of additions and contaminants. Iodine is added to avoid iodine shortage, however sodium chloride makes up the majority of its composition.

In contrast, sea salt is less processed than table salt and is made by evaporating seawater. Depending on the source, it has a range of minerals, but the amount varies greatly.

Himalayan salt, on the other hand, is thought to be less processed and more natural than table salt because it is extracted from ancient salt deposits. Its distinctive pink tint is caused by a special combination of minerals.


With a distinctive composition and an extensive history, Himalayan salt is an intriguing geological and gastronomic phenomena. All salts should be consumed in moderation, even though their mineral content may have certain health benefits. To find the best solutions for your particular needs, like with any nutritional decision, it is advisable to speak with a healthcare provider or nutritionist.


Himalayan Salt, A Blessing to have around

Salt is often viewed as something that is used just to add taste to food. However, there is much more to the Himalayan salt that meets the eye. This natural resource is found in abundance in the Himalayan Salt Range. Initiating our discussion, let us have a detailed look into the various aspects that enhance the importance of natural salt.

Chemical Composition

Taking the chemical composition of natural salt into consideration, the Himalayan Rock Salt is by far the purest form in which it exists. The following table includes detailed information about its chemical composition.

Parameter Value
Sodium Chloride 98.6%
Calcium 0.08%
Magnesium 0.16%
Sulphate 0.56%
Iron 0.04 ppm
Moisture 0.06%
Water Insoluble 0.17%

Discovered in the Ancient Ages

The history of rock salt is quite an interesting one as it goes approximately 8000 years back. It is known that the first extracts were discovered in Northern China in the same period. However, many historians also mention that the initial harvests of salt were first seen in Romania.

Moreover, it was in 326 B.C when Alexander was on his quest to conquer the world when the salt licks were discovered. It was discovered when the horses alongside the military troops started to lick rocks instead of grazing grass. It was at that time that people realized the importance of natural rock salt. Today we call it Himalayan Lick Salt or Salt Licks, You can buy Himalayan lick Salt from Unique Minerals

How is Himalayan Rock Salt Different?

The natural rock salt found in the Himalayan Salt Range differs from the normal table salt in number of ways.


Firstly, there is a considerable difference in the level of purity between the two. The normal table salt is processed in a number of ways and heated at around 1200 degrees in order to be dried. Heating at such an immense temperature almost kills the nutrients found in the natural salt. In addition to that, the Himalayan salt includes the elements like magnesium and iodine that are quite beneficial for the human body. On the contrary, the Himalayan pink salt is naturally preserved by a well-kept tectonic pressure that protects the reserves from impurities.

Beneficial for Human Health

Apart from it being the purest form of natural salt, the Himalayan rock salt also has a healthy impact on the human body. It is a lesser known fact that the natural salt is beneficial for health in a number of ways. Moving further, let us have a look at some of the prominent advantages of salt related to health.

Air Purifier

The Himalayan rock salt is also a natural air purifier. This is so because it conducts the process of ionization to do so. There are numerous positive ions diffused into the air by various modern gadgets that are commonly used today. These ions do have an adverse effect on the human body. However, natural salt has the ability to neutralize this effect by releasing negative ions into the air. In this way, the surrounding air is purified. You can buy Himalayan Salt Inhalers as well now to help curing any sort of respiratory problems

It keeps you Hydrated

Salt is a natural resource that helps you to avoid dehydration. A look at the Asian region tells us that most of the areas here have a hot climate. In order to cope with the high temperatures, the human body needs to keep itself hydrated. The water levels in the human body cannot only be kept in order by relying on the water intake. Therefore, the use of natural salt aids the process of regulation of water levels in the body.

Stability of pH Level

Another benefit of natural salt is the maintainability of the pH levels in the human body. The pH level in the human body has an impact on the process of digestion and the relevant organs. Therefore, an imbalance in this regard can be devastating for human health. The use of Himalayan Pink Salt helps you to keep the pH levels normal in order to avoid indigestion and acidity that can disrupt the functionality of the stomach.

Effective Metabolism

The problems related to weight have seen a considerable rise all over the world during the past few years. Cases related to the problems of being over or underweight prove to be quite troublesome for a large population. Natural pink salt has the ability to improve the process of metabolism in human body that aids maintaining a proper Body Mass Index (BMI).

Continuing the discussion further, let us have a look at the uses of the Himalayan rock salt.


The natural salt extracted from the Himalayan Salt Range has a number of industrial and other uses. That is why this type of salt has acquired a great deal of importance for a large number of health and business enthusiasts. Its wide range of uses expands from the treatment of sinus and asthma to the products used for home décor.  Its uses can be categorized into industrial, domestic and agricultural.


Rock salt is also an essential requirement for various industries. Where the textile industry makes use of salt in the process of dying, the chemical industry is also aided by the natural salt in order to run multiple chemical processes. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry largely relies on natural salt as the formulation of almost every medicine requires a certain percentage of salt. Moreover, the preservation of canned food also requires natural salt which makes it a mandatory component too.


A wide range of domestic uses are mostly related to home décor. The salt lamps do not only provide a mesmerizing ambience to a household but also is an aesthetic use of natural salt. In addition to that, the salt tiles are also used for the decoration purposes that give beautify a house internally.

Moreover, the salt inhaler can is commonly used in order to curtail asthma symptoms as well as avoid the issues related to sinus. The natural salt facilitates the treatment by improving the breathing process.

Furthermore, the bath salt is also a domestic application of natural salt as it is also preferred by a large number of people. Apart from the home décor, another domestic use is that of the cooking plates. These cooking plates crafted using the natural rock salt are also preferred by a large number of people for the purpose of cooking.


Lick salt addresses the nutritional requirements of the livestock. For instance, the cows need these licks in order to maintain their body-fluid balance. By doing so, they are able to contribute in agriculture effectively.

Highway De-Icing

Natural rock salt is commonly used for the process of de-icing. As we know that a number of countries located in the North experience severely cold climate. The accumulation of ice after prolonged snowfalls brings mobility to a complete halt. In order to address that problem and clear the streets for traveling, the process of de-icing is done by making use of the natural salt.

Where to Buy Himalayan Rock Salt?

If you are looking to buy any product engineered from Himalayan Rock Salt, Unique Minerals is one of the pioneers in the respective industry. In case of any query or to get a custom quotation, you can contact us.